Last Updated on December 17, 2022 by Kimberly Stroh
During the holiday season, so many people have big life milestone events happen. It adds an extra touch of magic and excitement. It’s a great time to announce your pregnancy, if you haven’t done so yet. Whether it’s in private to your partner or to announce it to the world, these are the most spectacular Christmas pregnancy announcement ideas that you can easily recreate on your own.
When we made our third baby announcement, it wasn’t Christmas yet. I’ve always had wintertime babies, so they were very much so announced by the the time the holiday season arrived. I love the idea of making a Christmas pregnancy announcement because it’s an amazing gift to the people finding out. I honestly can’t think of a better gift than the news of a baby!
A Christmas pregnancy reveal is just like any other time of the year – it’s personal to how you want to do it. My best advice is to wait until you feel comfortable. You can also reveal your pregnancy in different segments. Graduate from your partner, to family and then social media. It’s such a special time in your life.
Typically, most women chose to wait until their first trimester has finished. Some women prefer to wait until their anatomy scan at 20 weeks. It’s a personal choice to make.
Some of these Christmas pregnancy announcement ideas are items you can purchase to help you make the reveal, some are photo shoots and my favorite ones involve pets or siblings. Take these announcements and make them your own. Think of how you can put your own twist on them and get creative.
Looking for more pregnancy and announcement tips? I’ve got you covered:
- Fun Star Wars Mandalorian Baby Announcement Idea
- How To Create A Christmas Tree Silhouette Pregnancy Photo
13 Spectacular Christmas Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
Fun and festive ways to make a Christmas pregnancy announcement that will excite loved ones. These are easy to recreate and personalize to make your own.
If you want to make a sweeping social media pregnancy announcement, you don't even need to buy a onsie or letterboard. This is a DIGITAL photo that you purchase the rights to and edit to add your name. Crazy cool!
Oh my goodness! This onsie is a HOOT if you're adding another kids to your crew. If you're someone who constantly hears "you're having another?" - this is the announcement idea for you.
Give your parents something that they'll keep and cherish forever. You can give a gift at Christmas that would double as the announcement too. Imagine them unwrapping this surprise!
Your growing pregnant belly is holding the gift and actual annoucnement. Put a bow around your belly and have your partner take a photo of your gorgeous bump to make the announcement.
Another great gift idea that becomes a keepsake, this announcement ornament can be personalized with your family's name.
If you're on a budget and don't want to buy anything, get creative and make a cute Christmas card like this one.
Imagine walking into your family's house wearing this shirt, when they have no idea! See how long it takes them to even notice. It's always funny.
I love this little puzzle becuase it's gerat to send in the mail. It's a nice long distance or social distancing option. Let loved ones put it together and reach out!
Check out these ADORABLE photo shoot pics from The Confused Mom blog. This was how she involved her oldest daughter to announce baby #2.
If you're a big Elf on the Shelf fan, you've got to incorporate them into your pregnancy announcement. There are such fun ideas here in this post!
Put all of these lottery tickets on the tree, or in family's stocking, and watch the fun begin!
It might look like a candle, but it's a life-changing Christmas gift! I love that this one isn't obvious and they really have to read the "fine print".
Get the big siblings involved and let them play a role by wearing these fun announcement t-shirts that are holiday themed.