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My Fit Third Pregnancy: Two Months Pregnant Update

Last Updated on June 8, 2020 by Kimberly Stroh

Oh, baby! I’m back with pregnancy updates – this time for baby #3! I can’t believe we’re back on this roller coaster ride again. I’m feeling a little anxious and, let’s face it, I’m barely pregnant right now. The news has just sunk in and I just had my first OB appointment. I’m taking the time to share my journey with all of my Savvy Mama readers, in hopes that it may inspire you or (quite possibly) you’re on a journey alongside me. This is my first one – a two months pregnant update!

So let me catch you up a bit if you’re just joining in. In April, I begun using the Apple Health App to track my ovulation which got us on track. After a month of trying to conceive, I found out I was pregnant in early May of 2020. You can read all about my journey to pregnancy, deciding on baby #3 and how I surprised my Husband with the news, in this fun baby announcements article. 

Now that you’re caught up on my pregnancy, let me fill you in what it’s like being two months pregnant with baby #3!

Two Month Pregnancy Update, Two Month Fit Pregnancy Update, Third Baby Announcement

My Fit Pregnancy: Two Months Pregnant Update

When you’re two months pregnant, you’re basically fresh from finding out that you’re expecting (weeks 5-8). My last two pregnancies with both boys were unhealthy, but produced healthy babies. I absolutely took care of their needs, but took “eating for two” too far. Gaining around 60-75 pounds with both kids left me exhausted and I had some PPD issues. 

After my first pregnancy (starting weight of 128), I was young enough to lose most of the weight. However, I gained some of it back before my 2nd pregnancy (starting weight of 195) and my weight yo-yo’d for several years afterwards. Now, I’ve got to have the courage to path a healthier path for this third baby (starting weight of 222) as my life could depend on it in the future.

Two Month Pregnancy Update, Pregnancy Diary, Monthly Pregnancy Update

What’s Different With This Pregnancy

This time, I have decided to make some big changes compared to my last pregnancies. I am tracking my eating habits with My Fitness Pal to ensure I am getting in enough calories without “eating for two.” I’ve already called ahead to speak with my doctor about continuing to eat a low carb diet. Since I am considered Obese Class 1 (that was a hard pill to swallow when I saw it in writing), the baby can thrive without me gaining much weight. In fact, new guidelines and studies show that plus size women don’t need to gain more than 10-15 pounds.

Staying Fit In The First Trimester

With Covid-19 still being an issue, my gym isn’t 100% available to me yet. That’s ok though. Quite honestly, I’m not sure how I felt about going back so soon (we’ll give it time – I DO eventually want to go back).  Instead, I am working out at home. 

I am making sure I get at least 30 minutes of physical activity in daily. I either do a brisk treadmill walk or walk/run with a 1:1 ratio. For strength training, I can continue Pilates which is great for low-impact movement. Eventually, I will pick up my Les Mills Body Pump classes again at the gym. 

7 Week Ultrasound Photo, 7 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound Image, Two Months Pregnant Update

The Biggest Pregnancy Issue So Far

Do you remember what it’s like to be pregnant for the very first time? When you were tired you just took a nap. Oh how I miss those days! I am EXHAUSTED, people. Some days I don’t even know how I’m getting through the day. My 3-year-old naps well, but my six-year-old has pretty much grown out of naps. When my Husband is off of work, it allows me an opportunity to nap mid-day. 

I’ve had several mornings of extreme morning sickness which isn’t fun at all. Instead of reaching for carbs and blowing my macros for the day, I’m trying to eat small meals every three hours. It seems to be helping out! Fingers crossed that it goes away soon.



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