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Tuesdays on the Run: Running Role Models

Last Updated on March 24, 2022 by Kimberly Stroh

I’m linking back up with the other wonderful bloggers for Tuesdays on the Run. These ladies always come up with fantastic running topics and it’s fun to read everyone’s different take on the same topic.

Today, we are talking all about running role models. Every runner has somebody that inspires them, whether they realize it or not. I am very blessed to have several running role models in my life. These are the people who inspire me to put on my shoes, run a little longer and show me that I can push my body more than I ever thought possible.

My Running Friends

If there has been one common thread between all of my blog posts, it’s my running friends. I cannot emphasize how important these group of ladies are to me. They inspire me sign up for “another” half marathon, wake up early to log those miles and to keep running after my body feels broken from the half they convinced me run! These ladies have busier Mommy schedules than me, more kids and big-girl jobs. I have no excuses not to run when I see what my running friends are achieving.

If you want somebody who inspires you to run, you don’t have to look far. For me, the most inspiring running role models are my best friends too.


Other Running Blogs

I was reading running blogs long before Fit Disney Mom was born. Bloggers share so much of their lives with readers that you feel inspired to get up and join them. I love reading about somebody else’s marathon training, PR’s or a race that they struggled with. It makes me realize that I am part of a huge running community who share the same goals and hurdles as I do.

One of my favorite running bloggers recently experienced a divorce. I teared up and I was reading her story that she published on her blog. I thought it was incredible that I had powerful emotions for a runner that I had never met. I read about her post-divorce miles and thought she was so courageous to keep running, even though it was something she did with her former husband. It dawned on me that these bloggers have become unexpected role models as well.

Other bloggers just get it! Photo credit: Running with Holly

Other bloggers just get it! Photo credit: Running with Holly

I usually think about a lot of different things while I’m running. But I when I really need to dig deep and muster up energy for that last mile, I think of all these runners who inspire me. Whether you’ve decided to become a runner today or you are a seasoned marathoner, find the role models who inspire you to keep running, run faster or run longer. These role models will inspire you to be the best runner you can be!

Who is your favorite running role model?

Check out other bloggers from the link up: Patty, from My No Guilt Life, Erika from MCM Mama Runs and April from Run the Great Wide Somewhere.


Wednesday 17th of February 2016

Congrats on finding what makes you happy and your tribe of runners! For so long I tried to force myself to lik running then realized that I really dont like LOL. Keep up the good work!


Saturday 13th of February 2016

I've never been a good runner (or enjoyed it) I actually LOVE going on very long, fast paced walks. I know a runner who started running on a whim, and would do a four mile run before going to work, and then marathon for fun on the weekends. She inspired me to make myself accountable and just go out and exercise (whether it was walking or running). She's certainly a great role model!


Friday 12th of February 2016

I think its really inspiring to read about marathon training, even though I don't know if I would ever sign up for one. Its great to stay motivated!


Thursday 11th of February 2016

I don't run (I prefer hiking) since it's never been my cup of tea. However, I always admire those who do run.


Thursday 11th of February 2016

I think having role models is very important! I definitely find a lot of support and motivation from connecting with my favorite bloggers!

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