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Tips For Your Toddler’s First Movie Theater Experience

Last Updated on June 12, 2021 by Kimberly Stroh

Tips for Child's First Movie Experience

Ah- the joys of Summer movies! I love all of the new family movies that come out each Summer. The movie theater is the perfect escape from the oppressive heat and a great family bonding activity. This year, we have plenty of fun movies to choose from to enjoy with the kids.

As a first-time Mom with a two year old, we finally took him to his first movie theater experience. My husband and I are sensitive to other’s opinions of his hyperactivity and two-year-old antics, so we waited until the timing felt right. I know 6 months prior, he wouldn’t have been able to sit through a movie. But he did great!

There are definitely some things we did though that made his first movie theater experience fun for everyone… including the people around us.

I’ve got some tips to make their first movie theater experience a memorable one. It’ll be easier on you and your squirmy toddler!


Tips For Your Toddler’s First Movie

  • Bring all of their usual comfort essentials from home. I packed a sippy cup, bottle and his favorite lovey. It’s best to be prepared when they are asking for something mid movie.
  • Pick a movie that has been out for a while. It won’t be fun to go on opening weekend to a packed movie theater. You’ll enjoy it more if you pick a movie that has been out for a while and at an unpopular time. We picked a weekday morning.
  • Think about the length of the movie. We picked Curious George for his first movie theater experience. It’s 86 minutes long. I noticed all of the kids got restless around the 60 minute mark.



  • Pre-purchase tickets online, if you can. It’ll cut back on the time you wait in line.
  • Bring a stroller if your child is active. We kept him in his stroller the entire time, next to our seats. That way he couldn’t run around the theater.

Tips for your toddler's first movie theater experience.


  • Movie theater snacks are exciting for them! We bought popcorn for him to munch on. Just pack baby wipes for afterwards.
  • Don’t be upset if they can’t keep quiet during the movie. My son asked questions and wanted to go home at one point. It was just a lull during the movie and he got over it quickly.
  • If it doesn’t work out and you need to leave early, don’t be embarrassed! You can attempt to go again in a few months. All of the parents in the theater will understand. I promise!

I hope you enjoy your first movie theater experience with your toddler, just like I did. It was a fun experience for our family and it’s worth squeezing in a flick before the end of the Summer.


-Do you remember your first trip the movies with your child?
-Do you have any tips to add to my list? I’d love to hear them!


Saturday 16th of July 2016

My son always loved going to the movies. He sat through most of his first movie which was a pleasant surprise!


Saturday 16th of July 2016

I tried to bring my daughter to the movies when she was 4 - it did not go well. We stayed about 20 minutes and then left - and it was a movie she loved! We had success the next time when she was 6 and went to see Frozen during the re-release.

Blythe A.

Friday 15th of July 2016

I always want to take my nieces and nephew to a movie, but wonder if they can sit through the entire show. Will be keeping these tips in mind when I eventually to take them.


Friday 15th of July 2016

Aw the pic of his experience is so cute! I've been wondering when we'll take our toddler to his first movie. I like the ideas to bring the stroller and their favorite essentials from home!


Friday 15th of July 2016

Great tips that I can use when we take my preschooler to her first movie. It looks like he had a really fun time.

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