I know it’s been a little quiet on my blog lately, but it’s not without good reason! My second son was born last Monday and I’ve been filling my days with family time and baby snuggles. I took the week off to rest and live in the moment. I am so in love with my little guy- Charlie! He has been such a blessing and fits in beautifully with our family. With that being said, I can’t wait to run again. Here’s my postpartum running update.
My Postpartum Running Update
Let me catch you up on my training plans…
Since having him, the itch to start running again has been intense. I can’t wait to log some long miles and run races with my friends again. I actually had my eyes set on a half marathon next weekend. Yes- you read that right. I wanted to WALK a race just 2 weeks postpartum.
Mentally, I know I can put my shoes on and walk 13.1 miles. I have the mental strength and drive to do it. But there are some things I never considered…
- So much is changing in my body. I only thought about the walking. I never considered how to do a race with the changes that are occurring right now. My breasts are going through an engorgement period. Drive time + Waiting to Start + Walking 13.1 miles + Driving Home would put me at 5 or more hours without any relief.
- My running shoes are still snug. My feet usually swell during pregnancy and my running shoes are no exception to not fitting 100%. I should buy a new pair of running shoes and be fitted again.
- The lack of sleep isn’t horrible, but it does matter. I can go in with the best attitude ever and end up upset if things don’t go well. That’s just the emotions of a new Mom.
- Things jiggle. Lots and lots of jiggle is happening with my body right now. I’m still in my maternity leggings too.
With all of those considerations, I don’t think I’m going to jump right back into running. There’s just so much more happening than I originally realized.
It makes me sad that I’ll miss that race, but I have 2017 Princess Half Marathon Weekend to look forward to. I plan to pick up the training and have it become my primary focus. It’s a nice distance away from right now and still gives me plenty of time to catch up.
Speaking of- if you haven’t seen the Princess Half medals yet… they are gorgeous!
Tell me, what are you training for right now?