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How To Use The Apple Health App For Ovulation Tracking

Last Updated on June 30, 2021 by Kimberly Stroh

Two kids later and tracking my ovulation is still somewhat a mystery. You’d think I’d have it perfected by now, right? It’s always changing though. With every kid born, my cycle has changed slightly. That means I have to start back at the drawing board and track my cycle to pinpoint ovulation. It’s easier than you think (thanks to technology), so I’m sharing how I use the Apple Health App for ovulation tracking. These tips can help you better plan for a higher chance of conceiving. 

How to use the Apple Health App for ovulation tracking, to find your optimal fertility window! See how to use it and the benefits. #Apps #Ovulation #FamilyPlanning #Pregnancy #TryingToConceive

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How To Use The Apple Health App For Ovulation Tracking

There are so many different apps on the market to help track your cycle. Picking one can be daunting. Some women decide to immediately enlist the help of a tool to track and others wait until they’ve had a few unsuccessful months of TTC. 

I picked the Apple Health App because I’m already an iPhone user. I’m familiar with their formats and I love how user-friendly the app is. With the most recents updates, no matter what iPhone you own, it’s already on your phone too. It’s also FREE and I can sync it with my Apple Watch. That makes it even easier to tracks things on-the-go. 

Apple Health App For Ovulation Tracking, Fertility Tracking App

Accuracy Of The Apple Health App For Ovulation Tracking

Every month that you use the Apple Health app to track your cycle, the more accurate information you’re inputing. Most women have a 28-day cycle, but that can vary. Once you’ve entered multiple periods, it will be able to correct itself to how long your cycle actually is. So every single month that you use the app you’re getting a better chance of pinpointing your ovulation. 

It’s easy because there are no sticks, it doesn’t cost anything and you just input your data every day. There’s no mess and no extra cost. 

How The App Works

To start tracking your cycle, the app will ask you how many days are in your cycle. Your cycle starts on day one of your period. On average, most women have a 28-day cycle. So I started by using 28 days. Remember – it will automatically adjust as you keep using the app (in case your cycle is longer or shorter). 

The Apple Health App will then give you a calendar view of your cycle. You can see where you’re most likely to ovulate because it’s marked in blue. They give you a six day window. Since sperm lives up to five days inside a woman, you know that doing the deed during that time will give you the highest chance of conception. 

Apple Health App, Fertility Tracking, Ovulation Tracking, Trying To Conceive

Plus, you can turn on a “fertility notification” to let you know when you’re most ovulation window has started with a push notification.

It will also let the user know when they’re most likely to start their next period. I use that information to determine when to take a pregnancy test. When I get closer to my (hopefully missed) period, I know that it’s time to take a pregnancy test.

The Type Of Data It Can Track

It’s important to be in touch with your body when you’re tying to conceive. Tracking the little nuances of your cycle will help you better understand when you’re ovulating. Plus, it’s great information to share with your physician. This is especially important if you’re under 35 years of age and been TTC for over six months – which could be infertility. 

Here is the data the Apple Health App tracks:

  • Period (No Flow vs. Flow)
  • Symptoms (Abdominal Cramps, Bloating, Acne, Appetite Changes & Breast Tenderness)
  • Sexual Activity (Protection Used vs Not Used)
  • Ovulation Test Result
  • Cervical Mucus Quality
  • Basal Body Temperature
  • Spotting

Apple Health App, Fertility Tracking, Ovulation Tracking, Trying To Conceive

So if you’re interest in investing in over-the-counter ovulation trackers, then you can track the test results in the app too. You can even track your Basal Body Temperature if you’d like to use the Rhythm Method (Natural Family Planning).

Trying to conceive, Family Planning, Free Family Planning Help

Overall, the app is a great way to get started if you’re trying to conceive that need more tracking information about your cycle. It’s budget-friendly and user-friendly, which means almost anyone can use it. Definitely give the Apple Health app a try before investing in OTC ovulation trackers – you might not even need them!

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Tuesday 28th of April 2020

[…] Related: How To Use The Apple Health App To Track Ovulation  […]

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